Design Exercise
Three Stars Sportscards
Three Stars is a local hobby shop that specializes in trading cards and collectibles. They are the most prominent company in the Minneapolis Metro Area as well as have one of the largest collections in the country on Beckett’s digital marketplace.
As a big sports card collector and regular user of their website, I thought it would be fun to do a quick refresh of their homepage and their mobile navigation menu.
For the quick redesign, I focused on the mobile experience and making it more mobile-user friendly. Some of the updates include:
Condensed the header as it takes up too much real estate in mobile
Added a “What’s new” section with horizontal scroll (interactive in prototype)
Redesigned and restructured the rest of the information on the page to make it easier to scan and identify areas of interest.
Updated the navigation menu (interactive in the prototype)
Modified the footer to be a bit more minimal - further effort would be done to update placement of excluded information.